The SCRUM Framework


                                    * What is SCRUM
                                * The three Roles in SCRUM
                                * SCRUM Sprint
                                * What is sprint backlog
Developing the internal systems and other contracted system development for Durban University of Technology is used. As a programmer I strongly recommend the scrum framework for developing the software. Because from the view of  a programmer there are lot of features and specifications are there in the SCRUM framework. We can change the requirements even before delivery of the software.

 What is SCRUM?

 Scrum is agile framework that helps teams deliver customer value early and often in a highly         predictable manner. Scrum features two main roles, Scrum Master (the team’s coach) and Product Owner (represents the product as a business, and guides the team towards the right product). Interestingly SCRUM surfaces a lot of questions within your organization about inefficiency, disfunction, team allocation that you in your organization has to adapt to.

The Three Roles in SCRUM

The SCRUM team consist of three basic roles, there is a product owner who decides what to build, the development team who decides how to build it and a SCRUM master who coaches/leads the team. below we will look at the characteristics of these roles.

The Product Owner

  • Creating an organizational vision.
  • Representation the business and marks the Return on Investment.
  • Passes on the vision to the teams involved.
  • Takes the ownership of the backlog.
  • Makes decisions for the team.

The Development Team

  • Self-managed – the team is self-managed, and the decision on the work front is taken mutually.
  • Independent- the team is empowered to take its own decisions.
  • No designation- the team does not have any designation, and each member has the necessary skills to deliver the required work.
  • Small teams- the Development teams are ideally small-sized with 5-9 members.

The SCRUM Master

  • Leader – Coaches the teams on various aspects of scrum basic, guides them on how to proceed on the work front and hence, reaps the advantages of the scrum.
  • Helps eliminate obstacles – Helps development teams in removing all the obstacles on the path of progress and help them evolve.
  • Identifies ways to collaborate – facilitates the team with everything it needs to be able to deliver the ultimate product.
  • Helps teams stay secure – Ensures that no external factor can influence the team in any way.

SCRUM Sprint

Tune into this video that explains the SCRUM Sprint

In this case, Durban University of Technology is the customer which needs to develop the internal and contacted system development. So the input is needed to give according to the need. Then it is processed by the end users and other stakeholders and the team. Below we will look at the Sprint processes.

What is Sprint?

A sprint is a set period of time during which specific work has to be completed and made ready for review. The duration of a sprint is determined by the scrum master, Traditionally, a sprint lasts 30 days. During the sprint, the team holds daily standup meeting to discuss progress and brainstorm solutions to challenges.

The Sprint Duration
The Sprint duration is the period of time in which one sprint is counted as completed. This time period varies from team to team and depends on their preferences. However, usually, the duration is anywhere from 2-4 weeks.

Sprint Planning Meeting

The Sprint planning meeting is held between the Scrum team, Product Owner, and Scrum Master. The objective of the meeting is to go through all of the user stories that are currently in the backlog. User stories are then selected with consensus between all parties and moved to the appropriate sprint. For the sprint planning meeting to be effective, the following checklist needs to be met:

  • User stories are prioritized well.
  • User stories are defined and explained well.

Before the meeting:

Product owner explains the user stories and all of the use cases to everyone. The Team now has the opportunity to ask questions about them and get rid of any confusion and get clarifications.

The team now starts effort estimation using the method of planning poker. Once effort estimation is done, user stories are assigned to individual team members and work is started.

After the meeting:

Once the meeting is over, the team member who has been working on user stories will write a task and each of those tasks will be estimated as well.

What is Sprint Backlog?

Sprint backlog is a list of the tasks and requirements to be completed within the sprint. The sprint backlog includes:

  • The list of user stories within the sprint in order of priority.
  • The relative effort estimate for each user story.
  • The tasks necessary to develop each user story.
  • The effort, in hours, to complete each task.
  • A burn down chart that shows the status of the work the development team has completed.


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