
Showing posts from August, 2022


 Brief Summary “In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety.” Abraham Maslow Agile methodology is a set of values and principles, agile does not make decisions for you instead it gives the foundation for teams to make decisions that will result in better software.   It’s centered around adaptive planning, self-organization, and short delivery times. It’s flexible, fast, and aims for continuous improvements in quality, using tools like  Scrum  and  extreme Programming which we will touch bases on later on this context . You have found the blog you have been looking for!😄in this blog we will cover the overview of the agile processes. The depth overview of the SCRUM framework, we will also touch bases on the arguments for and against the adoption of SCRUM,  a clear identification of which sorts of projects would benefit and which will not  will be covered and lastly we will cover the explanation of two aspects of agile methodologies  t

An Overview of the Agile Processes

 Agile processes             What is Agile?             Agile Manifesto             Agile Development Life Cycle             The Agile Processes What is Agile? The term "Agile" in short means the ability of response to change from requirements, technology and people. Agile does not make decisions for you instead it gives you the foundation for teams to make decisions that result in a better software. When a team is developing a project, the client, staff working on that project can adapt to change and that change is done here using the agile methodology which is easy and efficient. What is the Agile Manifesto? The agile manifesto says that we are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do, through this work we have come to value: - Individuals and interactions over processes and tools - Customer collaboration over contract negotiation -Responding to change over following a plan - Working software over comprehensive documentation The Agile

The SCRUM Framework

 SCRUM                                       * What is SCRUM                                         * The three Roles in SCRUM                                         * SCRUM Sprint                                         * What is sprint backlog   Developing the internal systems and other contracted system development for Durban University of Technology is used. As a programmer I strongly recommend the scrum framework for developing the software. Because from the view of  a programmer there are lot of features and specifications are there in the SCRUM framework. We can change the requirements even before delivery of the software.   What is SCRUM?  Scrum is agile framework that helps teams deliver customer value early and often in a highly           predictable manner.  Scrum features two main roles, Scrum Master (the team’s coach) and Product Owner (represents the product as a business, and guides the team towards the right product).  Interestingly SCRUM surfaces a lot of questions w

Arguments For and Against the adoption of SCRUM

 PROs and CONs for the adoption of SCRUM There are different arguments that are there against the scrum process.   Instead of the scrum process they use the models and methodologies such as waterfall, software development life cycle etc.  because there are different process that were processed by the different team members in the event .  The scrum team members needs to work hard for each and every software development.  The time taken for building the software is more in the SCRUM process.  Many of them don't compatible with the scrum process because of the each and everything should be noted during the process.  These are the genuine reason which is the main reason against the scrum process.  So many of them don't like this process.  They must have to work for the organization hardly .  Cohn, M. (2018) PROs  *It creates a system of transparency: Daily scrums do more than keep workers accountable to their assignments. It is also a way for a company to maintain their transparen

Projects that will benefit and Projects that will not benefit

Benefits of SCRUM:    * Scrum agile development methodology is the technique which is used to develop the software effectively as well as efficiently. * Increases are coded and tested through sprint view.  *Development projects works are fast moving.  *The side gets strongly distinguishable through scrum meetings.  *Each team associates are during the scrum meeting, A large team has to define roles and responsibility to define goals.  *It focuses strongly on the  project goals, Transparency is one of the most important in the agile process and it is advanced stakeholder and projects of the product. Non-benefits of SCRUM:   *It is a very big challenge of adopting the scrum in a large team.  *This surround work can be a success only with the knowledge and dedication of team members.  *If majority of team members take leave, then this would affect the project team members.  *Project life cycle involved in frequent changes, frequent product delivery, and uncertainty.  *There is a larger st

Aspects of Agile methodology

  The image above shows the differences in the SCRUM and the XP(extreme programming) methodologies. Both XP (extreme programming) and scrum are approaches you can use to develop software in a lightweight, iterative way. They are part of what's collectively known as agile software development methodologies, or simply "agile."  XP :   XP is one of the methods used for the software development process in agile technologies. XP stands for the Extreme Programming. Among the various aspects or methodologies present in the agile technologies, this method is considered as the important one. It has some significance than other methods. This method differs from the other methods in some areas. For example, if we consider the other methods it gives the importance for the predictability. But these methods give importance to the adaptability. This method has some common goals. And they are described below. The first and foremost aim of the XP is to improve the productivity and reconci


  From this software development blog various methods and key findings of agile methodology and its different features were identified and analyzed. The benefits and non-benefits of SCRUM process were identified. Using the overview of SCRUM process lot of key things of the process were analyzed. The different benefits and different non-benefits of the project were identified and explained. The two aspects of agile methodologies like XP (extreme programming) and scrum process were also explained in this blog. If your current approach to the SCRUM agile development methodology needs to be refreshed, implement your suggestions in this post by leaving a comment. We rely on you to having a positive publicity to grow our network. If you enjoyed this article do make sure to share with your friends, family and colleagues 


  1.  Anderson, W. (2020).   Why Organizations Should Use Scrum and Agile Methodologies and When They Don’t Use Scrum . [online] Scrum Time. Available at: [Accessed 18 Aug. 2022]. ‌2.  digite (2019).   What is Agile?   [online] Digite. Available at: ‌3.  Cohn, M. (2018). Four Types of Resistors When Adopting Agile. Retrieved from 4.  Team, Y. (n.d.).  Sprint . [online] Yodiz Project Management Blog. Available at: [Accessed 18 Aug. 2022]. 5.  Actors, A. (2020).   10 Quotes Related to the Agile Methodology To Get You Inspired . [online] PlayBook. Available at: ‌6.  Shead, M. (2016).   What is Agile?   YouTube . Available at: https://w